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corona patient - therapy or treatment in movement

h p i - THERAPY

It will not hurt if movements are made with love and patience and one gets into movement slowly.


can stay behind after an infection with the covid-19 / corona virus. One may feel totaly exhausted one day and stay in bed and next day one feels good.

If this is the case you can try to get yourself into movement again by taking care of yourself whole day through. Success can not be ensured, but if you do nothing you are quite sure nothing will change and it's dogged as does it.

Some exercises:

  I. The central flow:
right hand on the head,
left hand on the
    1. forehead, until a pulse is felt under both hands (this concerns for every touch)
    2. tip of the nose,
    3. chin,
    4. little hole, top of the sternum,
    5. middle of sternum,
    6. little hole under sternum,
    7. upper side pubic bone.

The left hand stays on the upper side of the pubic bone and the right hand is put on the coccyx.

  II. Right hand bottom left cheekbone, left hand under left clavicle.
Look with the eyes right under, than left under, than up and turn a circle clockwise and back again, hum a melody (short is enough), count loud from 1 til 5, hum the melody again.

   Than the other way around: left hand bottom right cheekbone, right hand under right clavicle and look with the eyes right under, than left under, than up and turn a circle clockwise and back again, hum a melody, count loud from 1 til 5, hum the melody again.

  III-1. Both hands on upper arms.
Look with the eyes right under, than left under, than up and turn a circle clockwise and back again, hum a melody, count loud from 1 til 5, hum the melody again.

  III-2. Sit on both hands or put your hands on your buttock.
Look with the eyes right under, than left under, than up and turn a circle clockwise and back again, hum a melody, count loud from 1 til 5, hum the melody again.

  III-3. Right hand on the left shoulder and left hand unter left buttock.
Look with the eyes right under, than left under, than up and turn a circle clockwise and back again, hum a melody, count loud from 1 til 5, hum the melody again.

  III-4. Left hand on right shoulder and right hand under right buttock.
Look with the eyes right under, than left under, than up and turn a circle clockwise and back again, hum a melody, count loud from 1 til 5, hum the melody again.

  III-5. Hands on the inner side of the upper leg, cross your arms.
Look with the eyes right under, than left under, than up and turn a circle clockwise and back again, hum a melody, count loud from 1 til 5, hum the melody again.

  III-6. Hands just under back knees.
Look with the eyes right under, than left under, than up and turn a circle clockwise and back again, hum a melody, count loud from 1 til 5, hum the melody again.

  III-7. Hands on the back of the skull.
Look with the eyes right under, than left under, than up and turn a circle clockwise and back again, hum a melody, count loud from 1 til 5, hum the melody again.

  IV. Hands on the forehead.
Look with the eyes right under, than left under, than up and turn a circle clockwise and back again, hum a melody, count loud from 1 til 5, hum the melody again.

  V. Left hand on the right shoulder and hold firmly. Look over the right shoulder, over the left shoulder and let the head bent down gently, breath in and out deeply and relax.
Feel the muscles relax.

      Right hand on left shoulder and hold firmly. look over the left shoulder, over the right shoulder and let the head bent down gently, breath in and out deeply and relax.
Feel the muscles relax.

  VI. Hands on the forehead.
Look with the eyes right under, than left under, than up and turn a circle clockwise and back again, hum a melody, count loud from 1 til 5, hum the melody again.

  VII. Move outside. Go outside at least once a day and walk as long as possible. The speed is not important, but moving. It is better to walk very slowly around the church, in the park or around the house than just sit on the balcony, terrace or in the park.

IN BETWEEN during the day:

  VIII. Right hand on lower part ribs body left, left hand on the right elbow until a pulse is felt underneath both hands.

       Left hand on lower part ribs body right, right hand on left elbow until a pulse is felt underneath both hands.

  IX. Left hand above right eye, right hand on left elbow until a pulse is felt underneath both hands.

      Right hand above left eye, left hand on right elbow until a pulse is felt underneath both hands.

  X. One hand on the forehead, the other hand on the lower backside of the skull.

  XI. Right hand on the right cheek, left hand left side of the back, between pelvis and ribs.

      Left hand on the left cheek, right hand right side of the back, between pelvis and ribs.

  XII. Thumbs turn on the nail of the ring fingers.

  XIII. Left hand above the right elbow, right hand on the inner part of the left upper leg until a pulse is felt underneath both hands.

      Right hand above the left elbow, left hand on the iner part of the right upper leg until a pulse is felt underneath both hands.

  XIV. Both hands on the back, at the bottom of the rib chest until a pulse is felt underneath both hands.

By doing these exercises daily, the chance to better the condition is huge.



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